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Current Online Offers

How's and Why's of Sex Ed at Home

Learn where to find correct info, how to respond to questions, and the basics of sexual health for your family.

For parents and teachers of kids of all ages, as young as 3 or 4, and as old as 18.

90 minutes

$20.00 CAD

Puberty Revealed

Learn the basics of sexual and reproductive health for your kids, for parents ages 8-12.

Topics will include anatomy, puberty, erections and arousal, relationships, safest sex practices, and resources. For parents or teachers of preteens and teens. 

90 minutes

$20.00 CAD

Real Consent

Understand what real, genuine, and embodied consent is, and share that with your kids. This is a deep dive in to consent, and may be activating for some. Tools for your toolbox will include resources, communication, media literacy, and understanding cultural and societal norms about consent. For parents and teachers of kids of all ages.

90 minutes


Teens Sexual Health

Learn where to find correct info, how to respond to questions, and the basics of sexual health for your teens, including STI info, safest sex, supporting your teen in their sexuality, why teens are sexual, and consent basics. For parents and teachers of preteens and teens.

90 minutes


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